Tuesday, October 23, 2012

12 Amazing Careers Related To Sports Medicine and Exercise ...

Orthopedic surgeon performing anterior drawer test on male athlete's right knee.

A career related to sports medicine or exercise science is great for those who love physical activity or athletics.

Under the large umbrella of Exercise Science, the term ?Sports Medicine? can have a wide range of meanings which may also consist of an array of disciplines, including the biomechanical, physiological, psychological, and clinical experiences involved with exercise and sports.? The more clinical purpose of Sports Medicine is to focus on improving the athlete?s capabilities while maintaining the current level of functional abilities regarding exercise, sports or any type of physical movement.? Sports Medicine also provides patient care relating to injury and disease prevention that are commonly associated with the areas of exercise and sports.

Since the possibility of injury is always an intrinsic concern to all sports related activities, those in the field of Sport Medicine focus highly in reducing its risk factors by combining elements of proper physical training methods, proper nutrition, and special attention to sporting equipment and gear selection into a well balanced program that is designed specifically for the individual athlete.? Even with extreme preventative measures in place, injuries will sometimes occur, so it is very important to have the knowledge and expertise to quickly and effectively provide care.? Working together, the varied team of Sports Medicine Professionals combines their efforts to best manage the treatment program for the injured, even including attention to the patient?s psychological and emotional afflictions related to the injury.

If you?re interested in exercise science or sports medicine you should definitely consider one of the following careers.

1. Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC)

Certified Athletic Trainer is often on the front lines of patient care to ensure the overall well being of the athlete as they transition between the athlete?s site of the injury to the healthcare team of the medical community.?? Communication Skills are an essential component to a successful career as an ATC where information must be relayed between the Certified Athletic Trainer and many other interested parties, including the injured individual, his parents, the coach and other therapeutic professionals.

What are the requirements to become an athletic trainer?

  • Most of these positions will require a Bachelors or Masters level degree in Athletic Training/Sports Medicine to include a minimum of 800 to 1500 practical hours of direct supervision in a curriculum approved program. Successful completion of NATA exam is also required.

Where do athletic trainers work?

  • Athletic Departments for High Schools, Colleges or Universities, Professional Sporting Teams, Sports Medicine Clinics, and Clinics for Physical Therapy

2. Certified Strength and Conditional Specialist (CSCS)

Strength and Conditioning Specialists focus on the education and training of athletes regarding safe and effective techniques in strength conditioning methods by designing the optimum level program for the specific needs of the individual competitor.

What are the requirements to become a certified strength & conditioning specialist?

  • A Bachelors degree in a health or sports related field is a prerequisite to attaining a position as a CSCS along with the successful completion of the National Strength & Conditioning Association?s CSCS exam.

Where do certified strength & conditioning specialists work?

  • Athletic Departments for Colleges and Universities, Professional Sports Teams, Private Practice Opportunities, Health Clubs and Fitness Facilities.

3. Chiropractor

Chiropractors diagnose and design treatment programs for patients with injuries or health problems most often relating to the nervous and muscular system, in particular the spine, by employing techniques of postural and spinal analysis, as well as in manipulation and adjustments to the spine. Other areas of specialization might also include exercise related injuries, neurological disorders, orthopedic disabilities, nutritional expertise and other internal disorders related to the injury itself.

What are the requirements to become a chiropractor?

  • A Bachelors level education in a health related field is required along with the successful completion of a 4-year chiropractic program from an accredited institution.

Where do chiropractors work?

  • Private practice is the most common venue, but the Chiropractor can also be associated with a professional sports team.

4. Dietician (RD)

The Dietician?s main objective is to improve the overall nutritional program of the patient with the ultimate goal of achieving the highest level of performance abilities.? The RD will assess, plan, and educate the athlete on the benefits of a pre-designed menu for the specific individual.? Other areas of specialization can include nutritional support for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or pediatrics concerns.

What are the requirements to become a registered dietician?

  • A Bachelor or Graduate level degree in Nutrition/Dietetics is required along with the successful completion of ADA exam.

Where do registered dieticians work?

  • Hospitals, private practice, Athletic Departments for College and Universities, and Research Opportunities.

5. Exercise Physiologist

Exercise Physiologists focus on the benefits of exercise by providing education and development of exercise programs for their patients.? This position is most commonly employed in the academic environment as teachers at the collegiate? level, often performing research in related fields of expertise.

What are the requirements to become an exercise physiologist?

  • All levels of higher education including the Bachelors, Graduate, or Doctorate degree in Exercise Physiology can find employment in this field. No licensing is currently required.

Where do exercise physiologists work?

  • Private practice, health and fitness facilities, research facilities, corporate fitness affiliations, human performance studies and rehabilitation clinics.

6. Massage Therapist (LMT)

Massage Therapists focus on the hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body to assist in the alleviation of discomfort in muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints.? By providing this type of therapy and other related alternative practices, the LMT can assist with the reduction of stresses as related to a variety of conditions including work related injuries, chronic pain issues, and muscular overexertion.

What are the requirements to become a massage therapist?

  • Currently the only requirement is the successful completion of an accredited program and the? passing of a state licensing certification exam.

Where do massage therapists work?

  • Most commonly found in private practice, but also in hospitals, hotels, spas, sports medicine clinics, professional sports teams, and health and fitness facilities.

7. Occupational Therapist (OT)

Occupational Therapists assist their patients in preparing them to return to work and by providing better methods for daily living to prevent further injuries due to work related healthcare issues.?? The OT will help the patient to overcome emotional difficulties as well as physical disabilities in an effort to enhance the patient?s independence and regain previously lost functional abilities.

What are the requirements to become an occupational therapist?

  • A minimum prerequisite of a Bachelors degree followed by Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy is required along with the successful completion of a state licensing certification exam.

Where do occupational therapists work?

  • Rehabilitation clinics, hospitals, private practice and public schools.

8. Orthopedic Surgeon (MD/DO)

Orthopedic Surgeons are the ?carpenters? of the surgical world, focusing on the orthopedic surgical needs of bones, muscles, ligaments and other soft tissues.? The responsibilities of the MD/DO will include patient examination, diagnosis, and treatment for a wide range of injury and disease disorders.? Preventative health care is also often a primary focus of the Orthopedic Surgeon.

What are the requirements to become an orthopedic surgeon?

  • The Bachelors degree is the first step, followed by the successful completion of an accredited Allopathic or Osteopathic Medical School.?? The further requirements will include completion of multiple board examinations, which can only be achieved by first completing the internship, residency, and optional fellowship programs in this area of expertise.

Where do orthopedic surgeons work?

  • Most commonly found in Hospitals, with additional specialized opportunities available in health clinics, sports medicine professions and private practice

9. Human Performance Specialist

By working with the athlete as well as the coach, Human performance specialists will focus on achieving the highest possible performance of the individual competitor by focusing on both mental and physical performance enhancement techniques.

What are the requirements to become a human performance specialist?

  • A Bachelors education is? required with a focus in a sports related field of study with additional training in areas of sports psychology, exercise physiology, nutrition, and other areas.

Where do human performance specialists work?

  • Amateur and professional sports teams, independent consultant, teaching at the college or university level

10. Personal Trainer (CPT)

The Personal Trainer will design and provide an individualized program of health and fitness for a specific set of goals, often providing additional psychological motivation and enhanced focus on proper exercising techniques.? A basic knowledge of the principles of human physiology and anatomy are needed to ensure appropriate instructional methods.

What are the requirements to become a personal trainer?

  • The minimum criteria of the successful completion of a certified personal trainer certification exam is usually required, however an associate?s or bachelor?s level education in health or exercise science may increase earning potential.

Where do personal trainers work?

  • Freelance, health and fitness facilities, corporate wellness programs.

11. Physical Therapist (PT)

Physical Therapists will design and implement treatment and exercise programs that focus on the enhanced mobility of their patients.? Prevention of further injury or of permanent damage due to previous disabling afflictions or injuries with special attention to proper exercise techniques is also a high priority in the education of the patients in their care.

What are the requirements to become a physical therapist?

  • A Bachelor?s degree is required followed by successful completion of a 3-year Doctoral Program of Physical Therapy from an accredited institution.? A state licensing exam must also be a prerequisite for certification.

Where do physical therapists work?

  • Many opportunities exist in areas of rehabilitation clinics, hospitals, and home healthcare opportunities.

12. Sports Psychologist

Sports Psychologists assist athletes to achieve the optimum level of performance by focusing on the many psychological factors related to the involvement and participation in exercise and other highly physical activities.? Techniques such as visualization and relaxation are often employed to enhance the individual?s athletic performance.? Research is also a large part of the Sports Psychologist?s profession, searching for new methods and means to better understand the long term affects of increased athletic activity on the mind and body.

What are the requirements to become a sports psychologist?

  • A minimum of a Bachelors level education is required followed by Graduate or Doctoral degree in Sports Psychology.

Where do sports psychologists work?

  • Most commonly found in private practice, but many other opportunities exist in the areas of research facilities, Athletic Departments of Colleges and Universities, as well as professional sports teams.


For those students who have a tremendous interest in physical activity or athletic competition, a career in the field of Sports Medicine can be a very financially rewarding and personally fulfilling profession, not only because of its many diverse employment opportunities, but also because the graduate will have the ability to pursue advancements and creative endeavors in an area that will forever hold their interest and attention.

Many of the professional healthcare providers found in this area of expertise come from a background that involves healthy competition in a variety of sporting activities from a very early age.? As they excelled and participated in Little League Baseball, to middle school teams sports, on to high school and sometimes college level varsity level or intramural athletic competitions,? their love of athletic competition increased as well. Many students of Sports Medicine may have curbed their involvement in traditional team sports for a variety of reasons, but their enthusiasm for sports competition has never faltered.

These students do not want to settle for a less exciting profession in Business, Accounting, or some other job that relegates them to a daily desk duties.? They want to witness firsthand the exhilaration and excitement of team sporting competition.? A profession in the field of Sports Medicine will allow you to ?play in the game? without being ?benched? during your career!

Source: http://www.exercise-science-guide.com/blog/12-amazing-careers-related-to-sports-medicine-and-exercise-science/

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