An enlightening package is being put together for the serious readers, who stand by poised for a solid meal of sharp, sound illustrative that just slices through religious hypocrisy. There are millions of people walking around in nebulous religious confusion, just as I was for about fifty years. Yes, I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to realize something was indeed wrong in the world, and clearly the object of the problem is unsuspectingly the holiest entity on planet earth; the Church.
At this stage in human history, many are flourishing in economic effluence, science and other esoteric fields. However religion is ravaging the lives of humanity around the world. It is very ironical in nature, because it was only since the Romans designed the after Christ calendar system, consisting of secularism and spirituality; that the notion of a spirit-God creating the cosmos, including mankind, became global acceptance. Astonishingly, the B.C history that the ancient people have passed unto our generation has nothing in it which supports a spirit in charge of the world and humanity, in any manner.
So fortunately, people were created as servants for the alien gods, that is what history says. They have left us here on our own to do as we please. Religion was invented along the way over long yawn of time. And then the Romansbrought in the after Christ religious calendar, with a fictional draft of the Genesis creation tale. They have since saturated generations of people with the falsehood, causing them to be raised up into the vacuous notion that a God wants to save them.
So if anything of the heavenly story about Jesus's birth is fact; why then God did not lead the wise men directly to where baby Jesus was, but instead to the palace of Herod, an adversary who wanted to kill the baby Jesus... why? That can not be the behavior of a knowledgeable and just God. There is serious conflicts in the Biblical narrative, becave it shows that Rome knew Jesus was a political threat to its illegal occupation of Israel. And they knew the Jews had expected a seed of King David, to arise and expel all invaders from their country. That was the reason why King Herod feigned, that he wanted to worship the baby. When the wise men did not return to Herod as they were instructed, he felt mocked. And at that time the situation resulted in the slaughter of all children under two years old. How then is the Bible telling us of God's great plan of wise men going forth to adore a Messiah who would save mankind from sin, and the guiding star adrift from its destination? When did the Roman regime change from being the killer of Jewish people, and destroyer of their temples, and for what reason they wanted to kill Jesus as an infant? These are serious questions to be answered.
One is encouraged to read keen and purposefully, just to be sure you find true reality, not accepting notions based on the wrong application of words. In church "believe" and "faith" is permanently applied incorrectly to manipulate the ninds of unsuspecting ones. People must use their common sense all of the time, and let knowledge creates the right realization. According to primordial history, no heaven is prepared for us in the skies. This work is about making accurate distinction in issues, and to prick cognition, so that no one gets bamboozled.
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