Saturday, February 9, 2013

Court imposes anti-harassment policy on San Antonio company ...

A federal judge has ordered AA Foun??dries to take steps to stop workplace racial harassment after the San Antonio manufacturer lost a lawsuit filed by the EEOC.

A jury awarded $200,000 to three black employees who accused a plant superintendent of routine racial harassment. During the trial, the EEOC argued that the superintendent regularly used racial insults, posted slurs in the break room and accused blacks of stealing and living off welfare. When a noose was found in the workplace, the superintendent said it was ?no big deal.?

In addition to branding AA Foundries a racially hostile work environment, the jury found that the superintendent acted with malice or reckless indifference to the rights of the workers.

In the wake of the punitive damages award, the federal district court judge granted the EEOC?s motion to require the company to implement an effective racial harassment policy. A permanent injunction bars AA Foundries from engaging in any practice that condones or encourages a hostile work environment based on race.

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