Sunday, August 5, 2012

Seeking a partner for a High-fantasy adventure.

Let me start by saying I need a new story to work with. I seriously need one, otherwise I'm at risk of breaking down and going catatonic. So, with that said allow me to get into the gritty little details for this one on one and try to drawn someone in.

First off, I'll explain that I'm most interested in a fantasy story, most likely of the standard medieval quality. However within this setting I would like to do a particularly Arcane focused story. I'll admit, The Arcane is something of a guilt pleasure of mine, since my long-gone-by tabletop days I've always enjoyed playing spell-casters and mages of a great many sorts. However the groups I've always played with have always looked down upon the mighty Spell-slinger, and so my spellcasters were always short-lived, as my DM's would do everything in their power to kill him off. Meanwhile I find that most games just turn the mage into a blaster and thus I lose interest. So what I would like to do is resurrect one my oldest and most loved Sorcerers and give him the story I always wanted to play him in.

So, like I said I'd like to make this story have a heavy draw on the arcane, and the great mysteries of a yet blank canvas of a world. For this story I want the characters to travel to all the edges of the world, chasing rumors, searching for answers, trying to divine the meaning of it all. I would like if the second character in this one on one were also some kind of character with a taste for the arcane, whether that be a bardic illusionist, a brilliant wizard, the earthy druid, a devout cleric, heck even a rogue with taste for arcane trinkets (Can you sense my D&D roots?). I can say for certain that my own character, Sorcerer as he is, is searching for the place of his ancestors, struggling to piece together truth through the memories of his ancestors.

All in all though it should be a grand adventure, two characters, thrust together by chance, and bound by common direction. As is often the case with my One on One, and all my Rp's in general, I more interested in a collaboration than in anything. To work with my partner to create a world, characters, and enough adventure to last a lifetime. I expect the story to rise and fall with the tide, sometimes characters might be fighting great beasts in efforts to uncover some horrid mystery burred deep within the shadows, and other times they should be laughing as they sit around the warming hearth of a roadside inn. There may be times when the characters are broken in both body and mind, struggling just to persevere, and other times of levity and peace. Good moments and bad, Hatred and kindness, violence and peace, dark and light, always two sides of the coin. I want the freedom to take the characters in any which way, and I want my partners to throw new ideas into the mix to keep it all interesting.

So that's generally what I want, and yes it's all very vague, but that's what I do. I don't like to pigeon hole the story, I like to keep it open so that at any point in time either myself or my partners can say ?Hey, here's a cool idea, I'd like to give it a shoot and see what our characters do.? and then we can work it into the overarching story. I do love a good overreaching driving element, for which I have my characters search for his ancestry, but I also love to write just for the sake of writing. To create for no other reason than because I can.

Now I'll explain my general writing style. I write at least 500+ words per post if that's important to anyone, sometimes more, sometimes less. I don't plan out how much detail I'll put into a post I just write what comes to mind, and on occasion trim out what seems really, really, unnecessary. I like to put details into it, flesh out my character at the same time as the setting, like I said I write for the sake of writing. I don't really have a proper filter I just write what fits. That includes the usual Mature content and I used italics because unless someone blatantly throws sex into their stories I don't really see the need to call it mature content. Write the story first and worry about graphic content later, no matter the setting I always expect there to be healthy dose of violence and language, cut a man he bleeds and he's likely to swear in the meantime. I wont add anything just for the sake of making it more "mature", but I also won't withhold anything that seems to fit the moment or the character. Of course I'll also respect any preferences set forth by my partners, so long as don't ask me to remove all the blood, or something like that. In other words I won't go to any extreme, I'll just write the story as it needs be written.

Moving on. Grammar is my Achilles heel, not to say I'm bad with it, I run a spell check and I generally try not to suck, but I make mistakes. To be honest I spelled grammar wrong twice already, and I've probably used commas in the wrong place. This Interest check is basically my writing style, I get an idea, and let it take over. Sometimes I delve into more detail than I really need too, sometimes I spend more time inside my characters head than I need to, sometime I ramble on and one because it seems to fit, I can't help it's just what I do. If you dislike it I'm probably not going to be a great partner, if you can stand my madness, great, shoot me a PM and we can hopefully work something out. Anyways one last thing to cover, romance. Personally I don't much care about romance side of things, but for all the role-playing sights I'm jump between romance often seems to be the focus of one on ones so I like to clear the air now. I do not care if romance is or is not in my stories, I don't plan it out ahead of time, and I never force it. If the characters work well together and it seems like the natural progression of things I'll write it in, but never as a primary element, or even a side story. Romance is more like And in other's some romance. back to the main story kind of thing. All of this said I generally prefer female partners though this isn't a requirement, just an airing of preference. My characters are always male and so I like to balance this out with the opposing mindset.

Also let me just air a few other points here, first I'm an stubborn old dog, the kind that chews on your shoes no matter how many times I'm told not to, by which I mean I'll create as many stories as I have too. I've had partners abandon me in the past and I generally don't give it two thoughts before I go back to the recruiting pool and look for fresh blood, because so long as I've got my story I'm happy. That said if something comes up I will always try to let my partners know before I vanish, but my life is currently in a state of chaotic flux between looking for a new job and possibly having to move. Again. I can't say that I'll get a post up every day or even every other day. I can however promise that I will post whenever I get the chance, and I will let my partners know if it takes me more than a couple of days to post. And if my partners return this curtsey, as well as return my posts in kind and keep the story ever driving on then, like an old dog to whom you offer up the occasional shoe, I shall adore you.

Also on last note that I feel the need to make, when it comes to the magic in these high-fantasy stories I can be something of a stickler. I dislike when the Arcane is treated as something simple just as much as I dislike when it's treated like a science. It's neither in my mind. Sure you're wise old Wizard might approach magic much in the way that a scientist studies the Highs-Bossen, and a sorcerer might bend the very force of magic with as much effort as a commoner takes to breath, but magic is a force of existence and I treat it as thus. It is the power to move mountains, to churn the seas, to shift the worlds axis, but it is all done at cost, and only by a tempered will.

Anyways I've gone on long enough, and the little voice in the back of my head isn't offering up any more suggestions on what to write so I shall end my interest check here and hope.


the secret life of bees full moon amber rose aubrey o day masters live johan santana viktor bout

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